“It is indeed a radical act of love just to sit down and be quiet for a time by yourself.”

This quote resonates with the person in question. Not many know how driven her actions are by love. And what is more significant than love.

Initially a bit hesitant to join, Rakshita was blissfully unaware of how transformative this journey would be for her.

But her initial resistance soon turned into a path-breaking discovery that opened up many unfamiliar aspects of herself.

She felt lost, and it had started affecting her mental health. Joining Zen Club helped her take steps to bring about a change in her routine.

She slowly started to evolve into a more patient and peaceful person with an empathic attitude toward the world.

The Zen Club also helped her achieve a breakthrough. 

She restarted her clothing line RUMIA, which had taken a backseat, but Zen Club encouraged her to take a decisive step.

Rakshita’s journey with Repos might be ending, but her meditation journey has just begun.

And as she progresses to the next stage of her life, she will carry these lessons forward and grow as a human being.