I still remember the uncertain days of the COVID-19 pandemic when I landed an internship at Repos Energy in Pune. It was a ray of hope amidst the chaos. The startup’s fresh take on business operations intrigued me, and before I knew it, I was fully immersed in the vibrant atmosphere.

From being an intern to a full-fledged member of the team, my journey at Repos has been nothing short of remarkable. I started off in the Last Mile Delivery department, ensuring our products reached every corner efficiently. Then, I ventured into overseeing Partner Success across two states, learning the ropes of building strong relationships.

At just 25 years old, I’ve grown personally and professionally beyond my expectations. The guidance of Chetan Sir – Founder of Repos Energy, and the dynamic environment at Repos have shaped me into a better decision-maker, both in my professional and personal life. Currently, I take care of the entire business execution from the founder’s office.

Goal-setting has been a crucial part of my journey. I believe in a strategic approach, and in 2022, I achieved nearly 90% of my goals. One of my proudest moments was organizing a trip to Pondicherry for my relatives, that brought us closer together amidst our busy lives.

As I look to the future, my focus remains on securing key global customers for Repos and ensuring timely deliveries to stay ahead in the market. With determination and a clear vision, I’m excited for what lies ahead in my journey at Repos.

Author: Mandar Pandhare, Nilanjana Chakroborty
Design: Siddarth Panigrahi
Creator: Bhumika Bhavya

Repos Energy, founded by Chetan Walunj and Aditi Bhosale Walunj in 2017 is a start-up aimed at
transforming energy distribution across the country and the globe. One of the first platforms to initiate
Mobile Energy Distribution, providing quality energy on wheels and on-demand, cutting down on
emissions and helping create a greener world on the way. Awarded as the National Start-Up by
honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji
, this team relentlessly works towards fueling
and bringing about transformation in individual lives and the world as a whole.